Cheryl Broom
CEO of Graduate Communications
Getting Prospects to Swipe Right: How to Make Students Fall in Love with Your College
Educational marketing is a lot like online dating. Both use pictures. Both make promises. But all too often, both fall short. The truth is, a pretty picture isn’t enough–prospects have to believe you are true to your word and that you’ll keep your promises. Join former community college PIO, and Graduate Communications Founder and CEO, Cheryl Broom, for a deep dive into how the art of online dating can teach educational institutions to better tell their stories, make good on their promises, and help prospective students find true love.

speaker reel

Student Motivation and Marketing
For years you have forged partnerships, created pathways, and developed programs…yet we still have empty seats in our classes. While we balance preparing students for both higher education completion and the workforce, it is time to shift our messaging. If you seek broader institutional engagement in your outreach, enrollment management, student recruitment, and marketing efforts, then this masterclass is for you. It’s time to become their first choice.
You can't afford to wait another year. Register your institution or "Team of 3" for the Spring 2024 session today.
Getting to Know Cheryl

What was your first job and what did you learn from it?
My first job was serving ice cream at Baskin Robbins. I worked for an aggressive owner who managed her employees from a place of fear. She installed security cameras in the ice cream shop in order to check on us and then would regularly write up employees for minor infractions she would catch on video. I once got written up for licking my fingers. Ever since, I have been very conscious of keeping my hands out of my mouth. I also learned what type of boss I never wanted to be.
Who do you look up to or follow in your field of work?
I can’t say there is one person in marketing who I look up to. That
said, I absolutely love working with creative people–creative and art directors, writers, graphic designers, and videographers. They can take a look at a class, program, student, or college and find a compelling story that inspires others. Creativity is a trait I always admire.
What missteps would you caution others to avoid when working motivation and marketing?
Marketing is not a silver bullet. It will not solve all your enrollment problems. Marketing’s role is
to excite and educate potential students and the community about your college and programs. The entire college community is then responsible for turning that potential student’s excitement into enrollment. If you don’t take a holistic approach to enrollment management, then you will continue to waste marketing dollars and fail to move the needle.